These pages are dedicated to the people who have helped me in one way or the other.
And still do. Special people with the will, the skills and the tools.
Special people who make the difference.
You gave me an advice, a rare bolt or hours of work. For free or for pennies.
You are making the progress of The Blackout SS much quicker and better!

TUSEN TACK på ren svenska!


The Blackout Full Size Racing Hall of Fame
These people are the only ones you need to know to build an Impala SS racer
and the world around it. What a wonderful gang! Click their portraits!

Thomas Ödlund


Ronny Landström



"Granis & Trollet"

"The Laserman!"

"Navaho" & Ann

Proton Finishing

Robban Grönberg


Klas Insulán 
Bengt Wittander

Birger Granli 

Anders Arvidsson 

"Karlsta" & Stefan 

Axel Envall 

Peter Eile 


Jörgen Karlsson 

Per Moe 


Thore Axelsson


Anders Stålklint

Vesa Ollila  

Pelle Danielsson  


Karl Ellwein

Anders Forsberg

Michael Karlsson

Dale Vaznaian



Tony Döbrösi

Kenneth Stål

Dennis Palm

Henrik Jaakonen

Alexander Palmér

Ronny Oredsson

Rasmus Ravnsborg


Jonas Alholt  

Ed Gordon 
Marcus Johansson
Kaj Martin

Thomas Öhman