Own designed CROSSMEMBER - easier, lighter, stronger, nicer
Can be used together with both transmission listed beneath

GM 4L60E
Impala SS transmission can take 900 hp for almost a whole season if everything is done to it.

GM 4L80E
Big Brother truck transmission take 900 hp in stock condition - 1200+ hp when built.

Trans Brake into a 4L80E
Thanks to Rossler Trans Inc. we can now start at WOT

GM TH400
I had a chance to test a race built TH400 w. transbrake

Danielssons Bil
Thanks to Tony Jönsson we can now tailor-make the converter

The difference in overall lengths is not as big as the difference in the locations for the rear mount.

Heavy Duty Vigilante 9.5" converters featuring Multi Disc 5 plate, lock-up and more.
Estimated stalls are 3000 RPM for 4L80E and 2400 RPM for 4L60E.

The TCI transmission controller and harness. Made for both 4L60E and 4L80E. Hooks up to the laptop
for adjustments like when lock-up should go into action and more.